Liquid Force Wakesurf Edge Pro Wake Shaper 100
The LF Wakesurf Edge Pro Wake Shaper 100 will make a small wake even BIGGER or help you fine tune a big wake into a surfing playground! Requires a flat surface measuring 5" tall by 13" long. Can also be used with Jet Skis to build a perfect wake for foiling.
Adjustable design lets you decide! Shift the Wakesurf Edge location on the fly to create deeper pockets or a longer wake face with more push.
- Large Water Displacement Wing for Maximum Wave Height! (Face: 10" x 10" = 100sq")
- Patented Concave Water Channelling Wing
- Super Strong Suction Cup Attachment! Easy to Adjust on the Fly, No Ugly Velcro or Safety Tethers Required
- Made with Rust-free Materials and FLOATS!
- Do NOT tether shaper to Boat.
- Level Load Boat to Keep Nose Down for the Captain's Visibility and a Long Wake
- Recommend Use with a Sumo Water Ballast System